One topic two opinions, Round 3 – Limits and boundaries

The first thing that comes to my mind when thinking of the concept of limitation is the opposite of it: freedom. Freedom is a default state of things or at least it should be. Instead we usually end up bumping into walls everywhere we go.

First there are physical boundaries. It is a sad state of things that for example we cannot freely go where we want to, live wherever we want because many countries will not let you in or they would only if you purchase a visa. Even if you just want to travel. Is it fair in a free world?
It sounds very absurd that theoretically if a country decides to put a restriction on who can enter it is possible that one could not visit a certain geographical wonder for example. For such a free spirited person like myself this can be very heartbreaking. Don’t get me wrong, I do understand why certain limitations were put in place but I can’t help but wonder if it was possible for things to be different, if there was a system that could also work that would allow the desired freedom for all. Well it’s quite obvious that I’m an idealist, I do admit that and whatever I think about the ways how the world could be a better place presupposes that every person has good intentions and no one would want to abuse that system. And that is not something that I think is the case right now. But one can dream…

Then there are mental limitations. Shackles that people impose on themselves knowingly or not. Many of us come to believe that certain things are impossible in life, things that are well within the achievable range. Still, due to a lack of self confidence and/or trust we say the opposite.
But in fact these limitations are illusory. I firmly believe that if we really want something, and I am talking about pure untainted will, we can achieve any reasonable thing we want (by reasonable I mean anything that’s within true possibilities – I can wish to walk on a planet in a different solar system but it is quite impossible that I ever will in this lifetime).
The key is being truly committed to whatever you want to get and it will come to you. You have to be pure in your intentions without any sign of doubt. The moment you start having doubts is the moment you fail.